All in Relationships

On How To Make Friends (In COVID)

If you’ve ever found that making friends as an adult is hard, you’re not alone. You know who is alone… the 14% of people who live alone, and there is no question that isolation is a problem even without the complication of Covid. Whether you’re wondering how to make friends in college, how to make friends in a new city, or how to make friends online, this post will answer the question: How can we make friends in this weird time?

On Choosy Coffee Chats

There are all kinds of articles out there giving advice on how to ask someone you professionally admire out for a coffee chat (because we all know how important networking is in getting a job and moving up The ladder). But what about the kind-hearted yet unbelievably busy invitee? Let’s acknowledge that we can’t help everyone. Today we explore how to choose who to help, and how to say no (when appropriate).